Sunday, January 18, 2009

NannieBoppa's House

The first week in 2009 we paid a visit to our folks in Southern California. That cross-country flight is really a bear and getting a little more difficult each time. Meghan just doesn't like to sit still that long, who does? But the visit was well worth the flight. The weather was amazing and it was neat for Meg to play with her cousins.

Three generations... Nannie, Meg, Mama, and Bean (the necklace charm is an easy reminder!)

Ione LOVED Meg. Direct quote: "She's so cute, she can't even help it!"

Youngest and oldest grandchildren (for the time being...).

Hairbow installation - all playing stops until the hairbow is properly reinstalled.

Meg and Zoe again.

Meg is mesmerized by Phoebe and Ione's rendition of the Aussie version of the 12 Days of Christmas (...and a kookaburra in a gum tree!...).

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