Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Getting into science and signing

Within the span of a week Meggie went to the New England Aquarium and the Museum of Science. She definitely had an affinity for the live animals at the aquarium (fish, penguins, turtles and jellyfish, to name the favs) over the poster-board science displays. But she also really enjoyed running around the MOS. It is such a big place that she was able to see dinosaur bones, a live owl, and an electricity exhibit all before nap time. She is signing so much now.

In developmental news, she can sign most of the things that pique her interest as of late: bird, fish, turtle, cooking, light, car, airplane, play, bath, bear, cat, baby, down, clean-up, all done, eat, milk, daddy, book, bug (that one is still a bit rough around the edges), cheese, cookie, apple, shoes, diaper, tree, lovey (sign for blanket), please, wait, night-night, cracker, music, hat, key... just to name a few!!! (Well, to be honest, to name most!) She can also say the words for most of the aforementioned signs. In summary, she is a delight and so fun to be around. We are very proud parents!

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