Friday, August 14, 2009


I can't believe it has been more than two years since we started this blog. A lot has happened. We moved across country and back, had a baby, met a ton of cool people, traveled, and, lest I forget, Andy completed an advanced degree. Life has been good to us. Here's to an equally rich future.

And now for some photos. Andy's Harvard Business School graduation(s), festivities, family, and fun...

The graduate! Enough with the silly hats already.

HBS guys... Spencer was right, a new license plate is in order.

Our family. Cool that we could measure our time in Boston by how long Meg has been alive. A lot can happen in two years.

The hat was a bribe for Meg to walk across the stage with her daddy...

... not sure it worked.

Daddy and his baby girl.

Let's celebrate!

Proud Dado and son.

Chelsea and her graduate.

Morse clan at a long, delicious and lingering meal! Blaire is the photographer so she isn't in the pic :(

All of us in JFK Park after another generous meal at Henrietta's Table (my favorite!).

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