Sunday, July 20, 2008

Mama & Meg at the MoMA

On Wednesday Meg and I met up with Uncle Tyler for a little lunch date. We saw his office just south of Central Park (it is really amazing - I say "you have arrived" Tyler!). We walked over to the MoMA for food for our stomachs and food for our minds. Tyler had to jet off to a meeting but Meg and I walked the exhibits for a couple of hours. We had a nice and exhausting day.

Meg snoozin' - when she was awake she contentedly look at the art. But like a lot of people, the museum got the better of her and lulled her to sleep.

Jasper Johns - painting of America (looks cooler in person).

Pablo Picasso's sculpture - Pregnant Woman.

Andy Warhol's famous soup can art. Personally, I am a fan of the tomato.

Monet up close. I have seen reprints of this throughout my life and I never really liked it as much as I did seeing the original in person. It is quite lovely not to mention HUGE! The triptych takes up the entire wall of its display room.

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