Monday, July 7, 2008

Not long now

Meghan is moments away from crawling, I think. As of yesterday she can get up on her hands and knees at the same time (up until then it was either one or the other) and rocks back and forth or even scoots backward. It happened so fast! I wouldn't put it past her to be on the move by the end of the week! In more milestone news, it looks like her four top front teeth are about to break through. Our little girl is really growing up so fast (and I just bought size 4 diapers today too!).
As for MJ's parents, we went to the movies for the second time in her life! Uncle Tyler and Aunt Rebecca babysat for us on Saturday and had a nice time with their niece. They even let her play with the remote control, suckers! They must have had a serious developmental pep talk with her because now she is unstoppable, in a good way. Now I am off to bed, tomorrow is our second mommy-and-me swim class, can't wait.

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